The Pindus Trail is making impressive strides towards connecting the settlements of Theodoriano, Skarpari, Kapro and Glystra to Myrofyllo. Although there are still challenges to be overcome in order for Tzoumerka’s connection with Hatzi and Achelou Valley via Argithea, recent progress has been considerable. If all goes according to plan we anticipate that a marked out single section will link Anthiro of Argithea with Theorodiana from Tzomerka sooner rather than later!

*Exploration of the Pindus trail is an ongoing journey, and we are on the cusp of being able to finally demystify its passability. In recent monthswe have made considerable progress to our under construction website, so that hikers can make their way through this stunning landscape confidently and safely. Along each step comes scenic beauty that will be sure to ignite every adventurer's soul - let us continue fueling flame!